
$rake-12.0.0 git:(master) grep warn  -rn *
doc/command_line_usage.rdoc:153:[--no-deprecation-warnings (-X)]
doc/command_line_usage.rdoc:154:    Do not display the deprecation warnings.
doc/rake.1:117:.It Fl X , Fl -no-deprecation-warnings
doc/rake.1:118:Disable the deprecation warnings.
History.rdoc:7:* Removed to deprecated warnings for `last\_comment`.
History.rdoc:99:* Use ruby warnings by default. Pull request #97 by Harold Giménez
History.rdoc:335:  RakeApp). The constant missing hook to warn about using
History.rdoc:340:  warnings) in Object have been removed. However, the DSL methods are
History.rdoc:583:  RakeApp). The constant missing hook to warn about using
History.rdoc:588:  warnings) in Object have been removed. However, the DSL methods are
History.rdoc:956:* Global DSL warnings now honor --no-deprecate
History.rdoc:990:warning messages.
History.rdoc:1024:* Rake now warns when the deprecated :needs syntax used (and suggests
History.rdoc:1025:  the proper syntax in the warning).
History.rdoc:1055:* Rake no longer emits warnings for Config.  Patch by Santiago Pastorino.
History.rdoc:1080:* Accepted change by warnickr to not expand test patterns in shell
History.rdoc:1238:* Removed reference to manage_gem to fix the warning produced by the
History.rdoc:1912:  rake will print a rather annoying warning whenever a
History.rdoc:2040:* Added warning option for the Test Task (requested by Eric Hodel).
History.rdoc:2068:* Several fixes for new warnings generated.
lib/rake/application.rb:587:          ["--no-deprecation-warnings", "-X",
lib/rake/application.rb:588:            "Disable the deprecation warnings.",
lib/rake/ext/core.rb:3:  # the method already exists, then a warning is printed and the extension is
lib/rake/testtask.rb:51:    # Request that the tests be run with the warning flag set.
lib/rake/testtask.rb:52:    # E.g. warning=true implies "ruby -w" used to run the tests.
lib/rake/testtask.rb:53:    attr_accessor :warning
lib/rake/testtask.rb:91:      @warning = true
lib/rake/testtask.rb:148:      opts.unshift("-w") if @warning
Binary file lib/rake/.testtask.rb.swp matches


module Rake
  class TestTask < TaskLib

    attr_accessor :warning

    def initialize(name=:test)
      @name = name
      @libs = ["lib"]
      @pattern = nil
      @options = nil
      @test_files = nil
      @verbose = false
      @warning = true
      @loader = :rake
      @ruby_opts = []
      @description = "Run tests" + (@name == :test ? "" : " for #{@name}")
      @deps = []
      if @name.is_a?(Hash)
        @deps = @name.values.first
        @name = @name.keys.first
      yield self if block_given?
      @pattern = "test/test*.rb" if @pattern.nil? && @test_files.nil?


Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t|
  t.warning = false
  t.libs << "test"
  t.libs << "lib"
  t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb']

或者加入检查ARGV是否带有-W0,然后再设置t.warning为true或false。这是ruby bin可用的选项,不过rake cli不认此项,需自己在rakefile中另行判断

t.warning = false if ARGV.index('-W0')

然后cli需带上double dash,否则会被rake当成传给它自己的选项,然后报错说不支持此项

rake test -- -W0
